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Product Import Pages

Product Import Pages

Product Import - Concept & Process

As mentioned in , The product import process in PlugoSync allows you to transfer product data from a marketplace into PlugoSync. This process is essential for:

  1. Creating master products in PlugoSync.

  2. Merging multiple product variations into a single parent product.

  3. Ensuring any changes made in the marketplace are accurately reflected in PlugoSync.

You can start the import process by clicking the "Import from..." button located at the top-right corner of the master products or channel products page.

Product - Import Pages + Product States

After clicking the import button, your request will be processed. When you review the products, you will encounter four different sections, each requiring specific actions:

New Products

New products are those not yet listed as master products in PlugoSync. When imported, these products are treated as new entries.

  • Action: Verify that these products have not been previously registered in PlugoSync to avoid duplication. If a product appears here but has already been registered, adding it again will result in duplication. Merged Products

Merged Products

Merged products are newly imported products that have been automatically combined with existing master products in PlugoSync.

Action: PlugoSync automatically merges products with the same variant count and SKU. If a product shouldn't be merged, you can adjust the SKU or variant count in either the marketplace or PlugoSync to prevent automatic merging.

Updated Products

Updated products have been identified by PlugoSync as having updates from the connected marketplace. PlugoSync provides a summary of these changes, allowing you to apply the updates within the system.

Action: After updating a product in the marketplace, import it to PlugoSync to reflect the changes. Custom information may be automatically turned on if only specific parts of the product were updated.

Products with Errors

Products with errors encountered during import will be listed here, along with solutions for resolving the issues. Common errors include:

  • Changed Variant SKU: Modify the variant SKU in PlugoSync to resolve the error.

    Changed Variant Count: Update the variant count in PlugoSync and re-import the product.

    Duplicate Variant SKU: Modify the SKU directly in PlugoSync to prevent conflicts.

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